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It’s The Little Things That Count

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It’s The Little Things That Count

Hands down, nothing will keep an ear to ear grin from your face when something big and great happens. Few of us are lucky enough to experience this every day, that’s why it’s the little things that count to keep you smiling during a normal day – especially in the work place. Whether you’re a team leader, office manager or just want to be in control of your own work place happiness, there are a few things to put in place to create a happy work environment for you and your colleagues.


Tips to Keep Everyone Smiling

A comfortable working environment really is key. Here are a few things you can do to achieve this:


1. Inspiring Design

Blank, white walls and a desk just doesn’t amplify creativity. Splash some colour on your walls, find some beautiful artwork and add a statement piece of furniture to your office space.

Bring this inspiring design right into your work stations as well! Create amazing branded desktop wallpapers or download free ones like these! 

How about sharing your favourites with a colleague to spread the inspiration!


2. Brain fuel

If your office kitchen is only stocked with instant coffee, your mid day slump should come at no surprise. This is definitely worth the budget to keep you and your team motivated throughout the work day. Add some variety as well! A tasteful jasmine tea or creamy white hot chocolate may be that reason to keep fighting through a rainy office day.


3. Great Music

We can guarantee without a doubt that music in the office boosts productivity and moral by at least 145%. The Engine Room at Focus Rooms is fortunate to have a Bluetooth speaker which a different person connects to every day to play their favourite jams. With the end of the year rolling, you can jam our Count Down playlist on YouTube and enjoy some proper throwbacks!


4. Say YES to the sweet tooth! 

Add a candy jar to the office! When that sweet tooth bites hard, you’ll want something on hand to bite into! Have everyone in the office chip in with a bag to add to the jar when it’s running low so you’ll never be without.


5. Break Room

We may not all be fortunate enough to have a break room like Google does in their San Francisco office, but perhaps adding a small continual game is the way to go in your office. Set up a puzzle in a communal area for anyone to add a piece where they think it goes and see how over time the picture develops – a combined project! Or a never ending chess game – just don’t forget to add a notification system for whether it’s white or black’s move next!

The Google games room has arcade games and a pool table.
The Google games room has arcade games and a pool table.


Is there something small that keeps you smiling at work?

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